The Room as Daughter

These four walls say they are not a pink riddle     Not the pink fairy tale about to happen     This room’s name is daughter     And the word heartfelt is not going to stop the crickets from singing her name at night     Not enough to keep the window from letting in the great unknown     That puts a lifeline on her palm that leads to her version of motherhood     One that includes the trees and their holding up the sky’s blue nothing     Includes a tattoo under one arm that says keep breathing and a room to return to when the time comes     These four walls say they are not part of a dollhouse     Not the safe harbor for a canopy bed     This room’s name is biblical     As in we need a biblical rain to water the daughters     As in each daughter deserves a bird to come down and perch on her shoulder     Deserves the enigma the birds will bring and she one day will become

Also by Andrew Cox
