each day begins lifting stone from water – 1

you have not climbed down from any of the trees

in the old photographs, still reaching for green

fruit, sour orange, tangerine, a clean hide,

ready for tanning, arboreal, we were all

snared thus, not yet fledged, not yet

knowing the merciless demands of expectation


we made the other flesh our daily bread,

boiled down seawater for salt, coffee black,

the only kindness we allowed ourselves

old conch shell table center, pink curvature

swallowing up our words,


breath kerosene soaked, arson upon tongue,

to be less than our only ambition,

what is radiant turned to a simmer,

the dream was arc of the moon or belly

of blade, cutting was all that remained,

absence as a signifier, ash of our daily bread,

we walk in shadow, we walk in shadow,

we walk in rain, shouldered over, chest

tight, we walk and sing of windblown sparks,


sand, moon, wave, we sing of all

you would deny us, it is a flowering rooted

in bone, opening only to the pale variable,

lesser mirror split from larger spall,

another blade hanging in the sky

another remnant of the original burning,

a different bouquet laid on our broken altars,

so many hands gathering, soft as moth wings

Also by Peach Delphine

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