If I describe in detail the girl who flew away with the cranes, do you think we could find her?

Rie Muñoz, Crane Legend

I saw her first          at a garage sale

in some basement in some house          we could never afford.


When I picked her up the woman browsing beside me

named the artist. But I wasn’t          paying attention.

I didn’t expect this to be a memory.


What I know: The ink                    was silvery bright


and there was a wide                    white border and a blue

sky and a plump          girl with a sly smile and a crooked

headscarf and a flock of birds


all floating up, up, up, into the clouds

and the cranes swirled

around the girl          almost in the shape of a heart.


Not a heart really, but the feel of it. It was cheap,


like ten dollars. Which is steep enough to give pause at a garage sale

but not to enough to keep you from something you love, but I still walked away

and now     I don’t know why. How do we know     what we’ll go on to want?


Maybe I thought if I hung it up people would talk, would say

what I want          is to leave my life


and that’s not it at all


not at all the same thing     I don’t think

as wanting     to be carried off


in an almost-heart-shaped whirl of feathers

up onto a current of air and curlicue clouds until


you can look down over your life and really see it.

Until everything you carry,

the life wrapped up in it     all seems to weigh

nothing,     nothing,     nothing.

Also by Christy Lee Barnes
