More Than Always

They say I’m always smiling and laughing. I say people might be continuously failing me in very small ways.


Perhaps I’d even smile and laugh more than always. Imagine. All this washing and scrubbing and grooming and feeding of the body.


I woke up and fried an egg. I cracked it on the pan and pressed it down and ate it in silence and no one was there and my body hardly made a sound.


I wake up and see no part of my body. I open my mouth and someone is there with a fork. This is the egg that snuck into my dreams. And just as ambiguous.


I wake up and someone has already invaded. I wake up and feed. I wake up to brushing. There are many teeth. And a bathroom mirror. And the hands are there too.


I wake up and look down at my cavatelli toes. There is someone waiting in the living room. I was told to be grateful. And nothing else.

Also by Latif Askia Ba
