Breakfast After the Fact

The day breaks / saffron

as butter / as egg yolk

seeping in through the

window / slips to the

centre of the pan /

water bubbles / sachet

splits / leaves spill / catching

like autumn leaves

weightless / for a moment

then gathered to the heat

collected to the china

bottom of the cup /

the night was short

of hours / steam and

jasmine fill the head / and

pot / shells / as fragile as

they are / must sometimes

be broken / bread

without wheat / fruit / that

might not be eaten / fold an

apology into a fried egg / a jar

a ragged day-old posey /

cracks in your mother’s

wooden tray / the day breaks

silver / like a teardrop /

another / toasted chance /

a freshly-squeezed new start

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