Brazilian American

Find me underneath a live oak tree

draped in sea-green moss as I stitch

up my skin with a Pilot gel pen and

um caderno sem pauta, where letters

are free to flirt in bold and in cursive,

where words swing off monkey bars

onto a poetic playground contained

by no line or language, like cotton

canvases fingerpainted in misty hues

of bengal blue and lavanda suave—

notice how açucar e sal sit differently

on the tongue—how português pours

out my mouth like bossa nova and

tastes like goiaba e jabuticaba

meanwhile English tap dances across

my forehead with the tang of a kiwi

or lime—and though I may fall in love

in English, eu também me apaixono

em português—eu faço amor em

português and sometimes I cry em inglês

and that’s why no breakup playlist

is complete without Anitta or Rihanna

or Bruno Mars or Maiara e Maraisa—

notice how you can usually find me

strumming my rib cage like an old guitar

either tangled up in the roots of oak trees

or dangling in the sea-green moss above,

for I am just a borrowed song suspended

between the rhythm of two tongues.…

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